9/11 Memorial Fundraiser
9/11 World Trade Center Memorial Fundraiser
Join Slyce Pizza Bar for a telethon-like fundraising effort the weekend of September 4-6 in an effort to raise the $1700 required to complete the memorial by 9/11/2015.
This public memorial to be built by Pinellas Suncoast Fire & Rescue will be a powerful way to ensure the memory of the victims and heroes of 9/11 live on.
The 911 World Trade Center Memorial will feature the iconic vision so prevalent in all our minds – the steel inner structures of the towers. Constructed of stainless steel, these two structures will flank the upright 36-inch, rippled piece of I-beam from the Trade Center. The I-beam will be wrapped with a stainless steel draped flag, stars cut from the flag to reveal the artifact, and burnished to represent the colors.
These will be placed on a debris field in an elevated brick structure the shape of the pentagon. Water will flow down the flag into a reflecting pool that will represent the water so close to the towers and the escape route for so many survivors.
Slyce Pizza Bar will be accepting donations throughout the weekend in an effort to raise the required $1700 needed to complete the memorial. Stop by Slyce to donate, and bring the kids to tour the fire trucks!
If you can’t make it to Slyce but would still like to help in our efforts to honor those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, the Indian Rocks Volunteer Fireman’s Association is accepting donations.
You can make checks payable to “IRVFA Nine-Eleven Memorial Fund” and mail them to 304 First Street, Indian Rocks Beach, FL 33785; or you may make a donation at any Fifth Third Bank.