You don’t even need to mark your calendars for this one, folks. It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and it’s February 5, 2012…but you already knew that. What you didn’t know, is that Slyce Pizza Bar is throwing one helluva rockin Super Bowl Party. There, now you know.
That’s the good news. The bad? Seating is LIMITED, folks. This event is sold out and at full-capacity once we reach 150 ADVANCED registrations.
To reserve your spot, you’ll need to pop in and register with Suzanne or Rob. Registration is $20, and includes your event wristband. But WAIT, Theres More! You didn’t think we’d just sell you a twenty dollar wristband and send you on your way…did you? Upon registration, you will receive a team-designated wristband (Giants or Patriots), depending on which team you choose to root for. During the game, when your team scores a touchdown, everyone with that team’s wristband gets a FREE SHOT! Boom, sounds like fun, I know. BUT WAIT, There’s More!
You will also become the proud owner of the 1st Annual Slyce Pizza Bar Commemorative “Terrible Towel”. I know, you’re excited at this point; Me too. BUT WAIT..Yeah, you get it. There’s more. That $20 you initially thought was just buying an overpriced imported wristband, ALSO nets you complimentary Bud Lite and Miller Lite draft during the big game.
Oh, and just to grease the wheels a skosh more, dig this:
- HUGE Football Pool
- Special Appetizers
- Giveaways Each Quarter
So there, that’s it. You got the scoop. 150 spots available, so get into or call up Slyce and contact Suzanne or Rob to reserve your spot to the most Slycetastic event yet!

Enjoy the flyer. Christopher Creative works hard to keep the Slyce designs and web properties running smooth and looking fresh, and making sure Slyce Nation stays up to speed with all the goings on.